Why Play Bowls?

Holes for Bowls

You’re playing a shot for a chop and a lie
   A bit too much grass and your first wood sails by.
So you line up for your last, taking great care
   just enough weight to get the bowl there.

And an ounce or two more just to push their bowl through
   turn out the shot wood then we’re holding two.
Now betwixt shot and jack there’s a gap – but it’s small
   You’d never get through it – there’s no chance at all.

You deliver and watch as it runs straight and smooth
   right on line for the shot wood you want to remove.
Then you scream “hold your head up” cos you know that your bowl
   has turned just enough to slip straight through that hole.

Alan Smith Jan 2008 

Lawn bowls is one of the best kept secrets in sporting circles, but with the current explosion in its popularity (particularly among younger players) that is changing fast!

Whether you’re looking for a recreational activity with plenty of social interaction or a fast-paced strategy-based sport offering the opportunity of achieving at the highest levels, lawn bowls is the logical choice.

If you thought lawn bowls is a sedate leisure activity just for older people, you are in for a pleasant shock. It can be a game of skill and strategic tactics or simply enjoyable and relaxing – it’s up to you!

You can start at age 7 and still be enjoying it at 100! You don’t need substantial training or skills to have a great game on the green.

Bowls is a sport that provides great companionship, gamesmanship and competition. It can be played on equal terms by almost everyone.

Bowls is a sport for all ages, from the young bowler through to adult bowlers. It doesn’t require special strength or athletic ability. You can be any body shape or size and is inclusive of disability athletes.

Bowls is known for the great spirit with which the game should be played. Get in the spirit of bowls and see where it can take you.

There are national competitions in a variety of age groups, including:

  • Under 15
  • Under 20
  • Under 30
  • Open
  • Veteran

Many tournaments and competitions are non-age group specific and anyone of any age can enter.

Learning how to play is as easy as 1,2,3.

Everyone is welcome to come down on a Sunday at 9am for a fun game of bowls, whether you have bowled or have never even see a bowl. If you don’t feel ready to play a full game you are welcome to have a drink at the bar and watch how to other bowlers do it.

Have a free lesson

If you are interested in starting to play bowls you are welcome to contact one of our coaches to have a free introductory lesson where they will teach you everything you need to know to have a fun game of bowls.

You don’t need to buy anything

All you will need at first is comfortable clothing of any colour and shoes with flat, smooth soles (no bumps, heels or studs). Depending on the time of year, it may also be a good idea to have a cap or hat, sunscreen and a bottle of water.

The club and coach will lend you everything else.

If the bowls bug bites you (and we know it will!) the coach will advise you what to buy, when to buy it and where. They will also advise on what size bowl and model will be best for you, based on the size of your hand and your build and how you bowl.

Bowls is, perhaps, one of the most sociable games that you can play – its very pace allows for friendships to be quickly established giving the game a special charm.

The present generation of bowlers can thank the pioneers of the game for the unwritten code of conduct that ensures no bowler ever seeks to have an unfair advantage over another. On the green, as indeed in national competitions, all players are regarded as equals. Proceedings always start with friendly handshakes all round and introductions that quickly put players on first name terms.

The guiding principle to all bowlers, and particularly to beginners, is that they should never do anything on or off the green that does not uphold the tradition or dignity of the game.

There will be bowlers who will show impatience if you take too much time on the mat. There will be talkers, whistlers, those who hum indistinguishable melodies and all manner of those who find it impossible to keep still. There will be those who are “experts” on greenkeeping and on bowls in general. That’s because bowls, like all walks of life, is made up of every variety of the human species and you will have to deal with them all!

The best you can do is to observe certain principles to ensure that you at least are as near as possible to being a perfect player. Above all enjoy the game for the pleasure it gives and the lasting friendships it provides.


  • Always be on time for matches and in the correct attire.
  • Stand still and remain quiet when other players are about to deliver and always remember that only the player on the mat can ask for instructions from their skip.
  • Remain behind the mat or head when it isn’t your turn to play.
  • Always try to keep to the rink you are playing on – don’t wander. In particular do not leave the green by walking across another rink without first checking that it is clear to do so.
  • On sunny days ensure your shadow does not fall on the jack.
  • Avoid obscuring rink markers or boundary pegs and do not walk across a player’s line of vision if they are about to bowl.
  • Pay attention to what is going on during the game and always pay your skip the respect of waiting for their decision.
  • Never deliver your bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest.
  • Always be prepared to admit to a lucky shot and never pretend that it was intended. Accept your opponent’s lucky bowls gracefully – they tend to cancel out over a season.
  • If you follow a bowl after delivery, keep within the laws and try not to obscure your opponent’s view of the bowl.
  • Always inform your opponent and skip if you wish to leave the green.
  • When a skip decides on a firing shot, it is as well to stand back and make sure that all players know, so that they can avoid any bowls that fly about the head.
  • Never openly criticise your players and always try to appear to be enjoying the game – despite your misfortunes.
  • When the final bowl of an end is played only the Second (Triples) or Third (Fours) player from each team should be at the head. All other players should stand well clear of the head.
  • Avoid wasting time arguing which is shot bowl. If there is any doubt, get down and measure.
  • Do not move any bowls until the shots have been decided and do not touch any bowls until the end is completed.
  • Win or lose, always shake hands with your opponents and thank them for the game. If you have won remember your opponents will be feeling down so respect their feelings.
  • Be conversant with and observe the Laws of the Sport – especially regarding possession of the mat.